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Welcome Address

Dear colleagues and friends,

We are pleased to announce the organization of the 2nd Cadaveric Course "All about forefoot - Ηands on fresh frozen cadaveric specimens" which will take place on June 20th – 21st, 2025, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The Course is organized in cooperation with the Balkan Foot and Ankle Society (BAFAS).

In recent years we witnessed a significant increase of interest among orthopaedic surgeons in Foot and Ankle surgery and that’s why many worldwide experts have been invited to share with us their knowledge and experience. The topics that will be presented in the Course will cover a great range of the forefoot surgical procedures focusing on teaching safe Foot & Ankle surgery.

The theoretical part of the Course will be held at the Teloglion Fine Arts Foundation while the educational program on fresh frozen cadaveric specimens will take place at the Laboratory of Anatomy and Surgical Anatomy of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

As hosts and organizers we shall spare no effort in making your participation scientifically rewarding and as meaningful as possible. We hope in your active participation.

Sincerely yours,

The Presidents of the Course

MD. Antonios Pettas

Senior Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery Thessaloniki, Greece
CEO and Co-founder of Scandinavian Medical Center, Limassol, Cyprus

Athanasios Badekas

Orthopaedic Surgeon-Traumatiologist,
Director, 3rd Orthopaedic Clinic Henry Dunant Hospital Center, Athens, Greece

Scientific Committee


Antonios Pettas (Greece)
Athanasios Badekas (Greece)


Atanas Katsarov (Bulgaria)
Federico Usuelli (Italy)
Levon Makinyan (Russia)
Altug Tanriover (Turkey)
Alexey Mazalov (Russia)
Matej Drobnic (Slovenia)
Nikolaos Gougoulias (Greece)
Andrzej Komor (Poland)
Spyros Manthas (Greece)
Dimitrios Arapoglou (Greece)


Registration Type Cost
Specialists 800,00€
Residents 800,00€

There will be limited number of participants and the availability will be assigned on a "first-come, first-served" basis

24% VAT is not included in the above registration rates

online registration



Hallux Valgus Surgery

Hallux Rigidus And Metatarsalgia

Forefoot Deformities

Other Foot Conditions

View the Preliminary Program in pdf form

Preliminary Program


Course Dates : June 20th – 21st, 2025

Laboratory of Anatomy & Surgical Anatomy of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
University Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece, Tel.: 0030 2310999305-2310 999681,

Laboratory of Anatomy & Surgical Anatomy

Teloglion Foundation of Fine Arts
Agiou Dimitriou 159A, Str., Thessaloniki, Greece, Tel.: 0030 2310 991377,

Teloglion Foundation of Fine Arts

The official language of the Course is English.

Please note that a barcode system will be used and in order to obtain CME credits you must complete 60% participation of the scientific program. The certificates will be send by the end of the Course and as soon as the evaluation form will be submitted to the Course Secretariat.

More information soon...

Available audiovisual equipment for all presentations will be through power point presentation. For power point point presentations, your presence to the "technical reception desk" is required one hour prior to the time of your presentation in order to check the compatibility of your cd or usb stick. Use of personal computers will not be permitted.

Within the Course area there will be an exhibition of medical equipment and pharmaceutical products.


in cooperation with Balkan Foot and Ankle Society (BAFAS)

Course Secretariat

THESSALONIKI. 50Α Stadiou Str., 55534 Pylea, Thessaloniki
Τ 2310 247743, 2310 247734

ATHENS. 2 Valestra str. & 168 A. Syngrou Avenue, 17671 Kallithea, Athens
Τ +30 210 3250260
w w w . g l o b a l e v e n t s . g r